14th Sunday in Ordinary Time


‘Come to me, all you who labour and are overburdened, and I will give you rest. Shoulder my yoke and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Yes, my yoke is easy and my burden light.’ (Matthew 11)

The sacraments are powerful tools in the battle against weariness. When my soul feels overburdened, and I feel regret or remorse over the mistakes I have made, the Confessional is available to wash it all away. And if I feel alone, far away from God, I can reconnect with Him in a most magnificent way by receiving the Eucharist—no one who acts as a living tabernacle is alone or separated from God.

Finally, my Catholic community acts as a nurturing surrogate family; it’s a place where I know I am loved and accepted, and where I can indubitably find the support I need, no matter what. I can find solace in the numerous friends (and strangers) who provide me with spiritual, emotional, and practical assistance in countless ways when I am in need.


St James’ Reopens

We are glad to welcome you back at St James'. The church reopens tomorrow (Monday 6th July). Initially we are open for Mass on weekdays.

Monday - 10am
Tuesday - 7pm
Wednesday - 10am
Thursday - 7pm
Friday - 10am
Saturday - 10am.

Readings for Today’s Mass